The Barisan Rakyat Category
Most Popular VictoryUndoubtedly, the Subang Jayan's Most Popular Victory Award winner is none other than our very own Hannah Yeoh (DAP), newly elected 29-years old ADUN for N31 Subang Jaya constituency, who has won with a great majority of 13851 votes. We now have a young, clean and crime-fighter ADUN representing us in Selangor State Assembly!
Most Unbelievable VictoryThe made-popular candidate from Lingam's video, Loh Gwo-Burne (PKR) has defeated former ADUN of Subang Jaya, Lee Hwa Beng (MCA), with a majority of 5,031 votes in P104 Kelana Jaya constituency. Despite of inexperience in politic (and corruption), the man of integrity has won the Parliamentary seat which many claimed impossible for him to defeat the long-rooted, widely-known Lee Hwa Beng.
Most Glamourous VictoryIncumbent Teresa Kok (DAP) is again elected MP for P122 Seputeh constituency with a great majority of 36,492 votes (the highest in the nation), defeating new candidate Carol Chew Chee Lin (MCA) who insulted all Malaysian women with her sexist election posters. Terasa is also elected ADUN for N30 Kinrara constituency which also covers part of USJ area (USJ 16 onward). While she is marching in with the rest of the Opposition MPs into the Parliament, she is also marching in to the Selangor State Assembly as the Ruling Coalition.
Most Difficult VictoryUndeniable, one of the toughest battles of this election is at the P106 Petaling Utara battlefield where new candidate Tony Pua (DAP) is facing incumbent Chew Mei Fun and the heavy machineries of BN (especially MCA). Despite all the BN's promises, big gun's visits and jamuan makan malam, the Petaling Jayans have elected Tony Pua as their new MP! A day before the Election, we were even told that Tony Pua might not be able to make it due to BN / MCA unstoppable, continuous bombing! But he made it with a large majority of 19,972 votes.
Most Challenging Victory The most-big-guns-visited and most-celebrities-visited constituency should be none other than P121 Lembah Pantai - for a simple reason : Nurul Izzah Anwar (PKR) was the Candidate for its MP, and she is the daughter of former Deputy PM Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Both PM and Deputy PM plus many artists including Mawi have visited Lembah Pantai to help incumbent Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (Minister for Women, Family and Community Development). Nurul has to face lots of challenges as UMNO was doing all it could to stop Anwar and family to step foot in Parliament. Despite all the efforts, Nurul won by a majority of 2,895 votes.
Most Heart-Warming Victory
The Most Heart-Warming Victory Award must go to Manoharan Malayalam, the newly elected ADUN for N48 Kota Alam Shah. Despite of his absence from the constituency due to being unlawfully detained under ISA since Hindraf movement, the Rakyat of Kota Alam Shah have bravely stood up for him and voted him as their representative to the State Assembly with a significant majority of 7,184 votes! We salute to Kota Alam Shah!
Most Lonely VictoryIncumbent Chong Chieng Jen (DAP) is again elected MP for P195 Bandar Kuching constituency with a majority of 9,952 votes. However, he is the only Opposition Candidate that won a Parliamentary Seat in the state of Sarawak, that made him loneliest winner in Sarawak .
The Barisan Nasional Category
Nonetheless, there are some awards to be awarded to BN Candidates too, as Subang Jayans are always generous, not selfish and not stingy.
Most Popular DefeatIncumbent Samy Velu (8-term MP, MIC President, Work Minister) was defeated on his birthday by new candidate Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj (PKR) with a majority of 1,821 votes in P62 Sg Siput constituency. Undoubtedly, all Subang Jayans (might be all Malaysians too) are cheering and celebrating for his defeat now. "Finally, he is gone!" Some would said. Unfortunately, he has just stated today that he'd not resign from MIC President post.
Most Unwanted VictoryKhairy Jamaluddin (Deputy Chief of UMNO Youth, Badawi's son-in-law) was elected MP by a small majority of 5,746 votes in P131 Rembau constituency (48,390 voters). With his corrupt reputation and arrogant attitude, what a great disaster to the Nation to have him in the Parliament! We wander who'd he jump at next?
Most Gentleman DefeatKoh Soo Koon (former Penang Chief Minister, Gerakan Acting President) was defected by new candidate Ramasamy Palanisamy (DAP) with a majority of 9,485 votes in P46 Batu Kawan constituency. Also, Gerakan has lost all the seats contested in Penang . Yet, he has acted as a great gentleman by congratulating his opponent and DAP Penang State Chief openly also willing to take the responsibility by offering to step down. He also performed very steady and gentleman when he invited the press together with new Penang CM-to-be YB Lim Guan Eng in his office yesterday.
Here are the 10 Awards from us. If you have any other suggestion / proposal, please feel free to leave a comment.
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