10 March, 2008

Makkal Shakti Valge!!!

Dear Brothers And Sisters,
Makkal Shakti Valge!!!
Finally, we have walked all out to prove that although we are the minority (as claimed by the ruling coalition few weeks ago), we did form a whole new vibration that shook the ruling coalition! We have worked together to deny them from their 2/3 majority. We have proven that it is not the quantity that matters it is the quality.
No wonder they say “WE ARE THE KING MAKERS!”
Now our VOICE will be heard! Our RIGHTS will be fought for! Our REPUTATION will be retained!
An applause to all of us, the Indians and yes never to forget, hats off to HINDRAF that made this possible. 25th November 2007, HINDRAF became the highlight nationwide and all over the world. Today, HINDRAF has disturbed the ruling coalition from their peaceful slumber.
Personally, it feels like Independence Day more than anything! I have celebrated “Merdeka Day” numerous times but the actual feeling of Independence, I am feeling it today. CONGRATULATIONS my dear brothers and sisters!
Indian Youth.

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